Children’s Liturgy
Since a child’s spirituality differs from that of an adult, the Children’s Liturgy of the Word program nurtures in ways that are more concrete, interactive and personal. During our Sunday morning Liturgies, right before the First Reading the priest invites and gathers the children at the altar for a blessing. They then go with their Prayer Leaders for their special program. During the program, the Gospel is shared with the children at a level that they can understand. They then take part in a craft project that is related to the Gospel’s message, something they can take home with them as a reminder of how God’s love was shared that day. At the end of the morning’s program, they then return to their family for the remainder of the Mass. This program is for younger children ages 4 through 1st Grade and typically runs year round.
Faith Formation Calendar for September to December 2018
For more information, contact Sara Svenby, Assistant Director of Faith Formation Grades K-5, at 952-443-2661 x219 or Email Sara